Asthma Inhalers: Types and Application

Bronchial asthma is a serious illness, which is characterized by chronic airways inflammation and bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Contact with allergen, emotional stress, cold air – all this can trigger another life-threatening asthma attack. In the past decade doctors were able to achieve a lot in asthma treatment. Modern drugs have excellent effect, can control disease course, protecting patient from severe exacerbations.

Tagged: bronchodilator , Inhalation

Inhaled Glycopyrrolate and Atropine in Asthma Outcomes and Deliberations

Read the first part of this research: “ Inhaled Glycopyrrolate and Atropine in Asthma Research “. Changes in FEVX and sGaw throughout the study are summarized for each of the three aerosol treatments (Fig 1). Baseline pretreatment values for FEVi and sGaw were similar for each of the three aerosols. In subjects who received atropine, there was a significant increase in FEVX above baseline values (p<0.05) prior to the first exercise trial. The sGaw was significantly elevated above baseline by both glycopyrrolate

Tagged: asthma

Inhaled Glycopyrrolate and Atropine in Asthma Research

The efficacy of anticholinergic drugs in preventing asthma induced by exercise, cold air, or both is controversial. While some studies have shown that bronchoconstriction following exercise could be inhibited by treatment with anticholinergic drugs, others have suggested that these agents have variable, inconsistent results. It has also been debated whether these drugs improve airflow after exercise or cold air inhalation by altering resting baseline airway tone or by actually blocking the bronchospasm precipitated by the exercise. Relatively

Tagged: asthma

Increase in Bronchial Responsiveness to Methacholine and Late Asthmatic Response Deliberations

Read previous publications regarding to this research: Increase in Bronchial Responsiveness to Methacholine and Late Asthmatic Response Increase in Bronchial Responsiveness to Methacholine and Late Asthmatic Response Outcomes The present study demonstrates that in asthmatic subjects, bronchial sensitivity to methacholine can increase after the inhalation of ultrasonically nebulized distilled water. The increase in bronchial responsiveness can persist for more than two hours after the recovery from the bronchospasm induced by the distilled water. This confirms previous results obtained by Black and co-workers; however, those authors studied the change in responsiveness to methacholine only 40 to 60

Tagged: asthma , bronchial sensitivity , Bronchoconstriction , hyperresponsiveness

Increase in Bronchial Responsiveness to Methacholine and Late Asthmatic Response Outcomes

Team of Asthma Inhalers Online presents this topic overview in article “ Increase in Bronchial Responsiveness to Methacholine and Late Asthmatic Response “. Preliminary Study The mean values for PC20UNDW (± SD in log scale) observed during three successive challenges with ultrasonically nebulized distilled water were 2.24 ± 0.80, 2.15±0.69, and 2.04±0.62 ml/min. These values were not significantly different by analysis of variance (p>0.1). No subject showed any progressive shifting to the right of the output-response curve indicative of refractoriness (Fig 1). Spontaneous Variability of FEV1 and PC20M On the

Tagged: asthma , bronchial sensitivity , Bronchoconstriction , hyperresponsiveness

Increase in Bronchial Responsiveness to Methacholine and Late Asthmatic Response

Bronchoconstriction elicited by the inhalation of ultrasonically nebulized distilled water’ is presumed to be at least partly provoked by a nonimmuno-logic release of mediators from mast cells in the airways. Recent evidence has suggested this hypothesis. In fact, circulating concentrations of the mast cell-associated mediators, histamine and neutrophilic chemotactic factor, increase in asthmatic subjects after inhalation of ultrasonically nebulized distilled water. This accompanies the development of distilled water-induced asthma in a way analogous to the

Tagged: asthma , bronchial sensitivity , Bronchoconstriction , hyperresponsiveness

Labetalol and Hydrochlorothiazide for Ventilatory Function of Hypertensive Patients Outcomes and Deliberations

Read the article with this research initial data described. Patient Characteristics Of the 41 patients who entered the treatment phase of the study, 21 received therapy with labetalol and 20 received hydrochlorothiazide treatment (Table 1). The ratio of men to women was similar in both groups. Mean age was 54 years in the labetalol group and 59 years in the hydrochlorothiazide group. The preponderance of middle-aged males reflects the fact that two of the participating hospitals were Veterans

Tagged: airway responsiveness , asthma , Beta adrenergic antagonist , labetalol , severe bronchospasm

Labetalol and Hydrochlorothiazide for Ventilatory Function of Hypertensive Patients Research

Beta adrenergic antagonists are widely used antihypertensive agents with therapeutic effectiveness similar to that of methyldopa and thiazide diuretics. Their advantages over other antihypertensive medications include a lack of postural hypotension, effectiveness in the supine position, and their potential cardioprotective ability. An important consideration with currently available beta-adrenergic antagonist drugs is their ability to block the betas adrenergic receptors in the lungs, resulting in worsened ventilatory function in patients with obstructive lung disease. Two currently

Tagged: airway responsiveness , asthma , Beta adrenergic antagonist , labetalol , severe bronchospasm
Adrenergic subsensitivity

Beta Adrenergic Agonists: Specific Beta Adrenergic Bronchodilators

Epinephrine is still the drug of choice for treatment of acute anaphylaxis where a combination of alpha and beta adrenergic properties are desirable. It is still employed in the treatment of severe asthma , and several recent studies have confirmed the efficacy of injections of 0.25 mg (0.01 mg/kg in small children) repeated at 15 to 20 minute intervals in the treatment of patients with acute bronchoconstriction. The principal alternative to epinephrine in the United States is terbutaline. Even

Tagged: adrenergic subsensitivity , bronchial asthma , bronchodilation , Cardiac stimulation , epinephrine , Inhalation , leukocytes , observation
Flovent effectively


As a steroid, the role of Flovent in the body is to prevent the production of substances which normally initiate inflammation. Other than that, it also comes in handy in the prevention of asthmatic attacks. You have to take note of the fact that Flovent will not treat your asthma attack, particularly one that has already started, but it will provide you relief. From time to time you might have to use Flovent HFA and

Tagged: asthma attack , Flovent , inhalers , oral steroid medication , wheezing