Beta-Adrenergic Blockade with Pindolol (LB-46) in Mild to Moderate Asthma Observations

Acceptable beta-adrenergic antagonists for use in patients with asthma should ideally minimize antagonism of bronchial (beta2) receptors while providing useful cardiac (beta2) blockade. Propranolol, a nonselective beta-adrenergic blocking drug, aggravates bronchospasm in asthmatics . Metoprolol, a selective betai blocker approved for use in the United States, may have decreased effect on the airways. However, its selectivity is thought to be dose-related and perhaps limited to the lower dose ranges. Pindolol (LB-46), a potent beta-adrenergic blocker, does not have

Tagged: asthma , FVC , heart rate , tests of hematologic

Beta-Adrenergic Blockade with Pindolol (LB-46) in Mild to Moderate Asthma

Characteristics of Study Group Subject characteristics are shown in Table 1. All had mild to moderate asthma as shown by comparison of FEV1/FVC and the FEV1/FEV1 predicted. There were 13 male and 11 female subjects. As noted, all had at least 10 percent improvement in FEVi following inhalation of isoproterenol. Presence of Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm We compared postexercise with preexercise pulmonary function for the placebo trial to demonstrate the presence of exercise-induced bronchospasm . Comparisons of the

Tagged: asthma , FVC , heart rate , tests of hematologic

Bronchial Coarctation Considerations

Case Report of Bronchial Coarctation is published here . Chevalier Jackson, describing lesions he observed through a bronchoscope, noted that a few patients with asthma had “ organic stenosis of the bronchi .” He felt that in children some of the lesions were congenital, whereas in adults, they were “fibrotic” and could be treated by dilation. It is unlikely that our patient has asthma since she did not improve significantly after treatment with 40 mg of prednisone a day for eight

Tagged: asthma , bronchoscope , chronic bronchitis , sarcoidosis , tuberculosis

Bronchial Coarctation Report

Severe narrowing of large bronchi may occur in chronic bronchitis, asthma ( ), tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, and amyloidosis. In chronic bronchitis, these changes are said to occur “distal to the third or fourth generation of bronchi.” We have observed a patient with chronic bronchitis who had irreversible bronchial narrowing in her proximal third and fourth order bronchi. Case Report A 38-year-old white woman developed constant shortness of breath without episodic remissions in early 1975. She had

Tagged: asthma , bronchoscope , chronic bronchitis , sarcoidosis , tuberculosis
bronchial hyperreactivity

Diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma by Clinical Evaluation: Disscusion

In order to interpret our results, we used a positive methacholine inhalational challenge as the standard indicator of the underlying asthmatic condition. It was considered a standard for the following reasons: (1) all agree that the asthmatic state is characterized by increased bronchial reactivity to multiple physical, chemical, and pharmacologic stimuli, such as histamine, carbachol, methacholine, exercise, and cold, dry air; (2) it is widely accepted that bronchial hyperreactivity is present and potentially demonstrable in virtually all

Tagged: bronchial asthma , bronchial hyperreactivity , industrial bronchitis , initial dose , respiratory tract

Diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma by Clinical Evaluation: Results

Assessment for Bronchial Hyperreactivity On the basis of the degree of bronchial hyperreactivity measured by MIC, our patients fell into two significantly different and distinct groups (Fig 1). Twenty-two patients had normal MICs with a mean decrease in FEV! from baseline of 4 percent; this response was almost identical with that of our control group, who had a mean decrease in FEV! from baseline of 5 percent. On the other hand, 12 patients had abnormal

Tagged: bronchial asthma , bronchial hyperreactivity , industrial bronchitis , initial dose , respiratory tract

Diagnosis of Bronchial Asthma by Clinical Evaluation: Methods and Materials

A universally accepted definition for bronchial asthma remains an elusive goal. This difficulty has led to controversy regarding diagnostic criteria for asthma. However, one area of agreement is that the asthmatic state is characterized by increased bronchial reactivity to multiple physical, chemical, and pharmacologic stimuli. Although it is widely accepted that this bronchial hyperreactivity is present and demonstrable in virtually all asthmatic patients, the diagnosis is usually made on the basis of a history and

Tagged: bronchial asthma , bronchial hyperreactivity , industrial bronchitis , initial dose , respiratory tract