Asthma in Children & Infants: Symptoms and Treatments

Bronchial asthma is characterized by recurring attacks of heavy breathing or suffocation due to bronchoconstriction, mucus hypersecretion and swelling of the bronchial mucosa. Online Asthma Inhalers recent researches suggest that there are four asthma ages . Asthma is one of the most common diseases among children: 5-10% of children suffer from this disease, and this figure increases each year. Currently children’s asthma is treated as a chronic disease, which is based on allergic airway inflammation and bronchial hyperreactivity. “A terrifying

Tagged: asthma , asthma attack , asthma attacks , asthma inhalers online , asthma program , asthma therapy , Asthma treatment , asthma triggers , asthmatic patients , children , prevention of asthma

Everything You Need to Know About Asthma in Children

Asthma spares no one: neither young nor old people. Childhood asthma often develops before the age of five. In the United States, for example, the disease affects 10-12% of children and their number is steadily increasing. Asthma in children: Causes There are many factors of the emergence and development of the disease, but psychologists distinguish eight main asthma causes: Presence of any, even the most minor allergies; heredity; frequent diseases caused by air-borne infections; low

Tagged: asthma attacks , asthma inhalers online , asthma program , asthma therapy , asthmatic patients , bronchial asthma , childhood , children , lung diseases

Children’s Asthma: Treatment and Recommendations

Illness of the child is the real challenge for his parents. What should they do? How to help the kid? It can be difficult, but parents can’t panic, the baby notices the slightest changes of your mood. This theory is especially correct when when we talt about asthma: the illness which became the frequent phenomenon among children. Bronchial asthma is the special condition of bronchi including a hypersensibility of respiratory tracts to infections, dust, pungent

Tagged: asthma , children , inhalers , treatment

Roentgenographic Abnormalities in Children Hospitalized for Asthma Deliberation

The total incidence of roentgenographic abnormalities (64.1 percent) in our series of children who were hospitalized for status asthmaticus is similar to previously reported observations. The most common abnormality was hyperinflation, found in 35.9 percent of those studied roentgenographically. Of the 35 patients (27.3 percent) with opacifications on their chest x-ray film, only six (4.7 percent) were suggestive of pneumonia. This is comparable to the data of Eggleston et al who reported pneumonitis in 4.5

Tagged: asthma , bronchodilator therapy , roentgenographic abnormalities , wheezing

Roentgenographic Abnormalities in Children Hospitalized for Asthma Outcomes

Of the 129 children admitted to the hospital in status asthmaticus during the study period, 128 had chest roentgenograms. Eighty-four (65.6 percent) of the patients had been admitted previously for asthma, while 32 ( 24.8 percent) had previously been treated only as outpatients. The remaining patients had never wheezed before the episode which precipitated admission. Three patients were admitted to the intensive care unit; the remainder were admitted to a regular pediatric floor. The episodes

Tagged: asthma , bronchodilator therapy , roentgenographic abnormalities , wheezing

Methods of Roentgenographic Abnormalities in Children Hospitalized for Asthma

Abnormal chest roentgenograms have been reported in 43 to 76 percent of children who are hospitalized with asthma ( read everything about Childhood Asthma ). When the roentgenograms reported to show only “hyperaeration” or “emphysematous changes” are excluded, the frequency of abnormal findings is still one in four. This has resulted in the recommendation that a chest x-ray examination be a part of the evaluation of any patient admitted to the hospital with asthma. The purpose of this investigation was

Tagged: asthma , bronchodilator therapy , roentgenographic abnormalities , wheezing

Observations Relating to Forced Random Noise Resistance Determination in Childhood Asthma

In general, asthmatic patients with an FEVi less than 80 percent of predicted or FEF less than 70 percent of predicted had higher resistance values than asymptomatic asthmatic patients with normal spirometry (Fig 2). This is supported by the position of the two regression lines and by the numerical data, for example, the average of1μ for the 15 with normal spirometry was 5.55 cmH2OLr£ and for the other 15 it was 7.53 cmHaOLTs. Resistance values

Tagged: asthma , body box , bronchodilator-induced change , expiration , height , pulmonary function

Achievement of Forced Random Noise Resistance Determination in Childhood Asthma

Measured values of R«, Rae, and H^ in the four to 17-year-old asthmatic children ranged from 2.8 to 11.4,3.3 to 10.4, and 3.2 to 10.2 cmH2OLi, respectively. Figure 2 shows a plot of these three parameters as a function of height along with separate regression lines for those with normal and abnormal spirometry. It is possible that a curvilinear relationship could have provided a better fit, but we did not feel that the limited amount of data

Tagged: asthma , pulmonary function

Forced Random Noise Resistance Determination in Childhood Asthma

Measurement of pulmonary function in infants and young children is particularly difficult because they are unable to perform the necessary maneuvers and do not tolerate the equipment required by standard spirometric and plethysmographic techniques. Also, complex reflexes from the maximum inspiration and forced expiration complicate the interpretation of forced expiratory spirometric data after administration of bronchoconstrictor or bronchodilator drugs . Forced excitation measurements, which require no special maneuvers and only minimal equipment contact, have potential for providing interpretable pulmonary

Tagged: asthma , body box , bronchodilator-induced change , expiration , height , pulmonary function
Asthmatic attacks in children

Consideration of Terbutaline in the Treatment of Acute Asthma in Childhood

The results obtained in this study indicate that terbutaline is an effective bronchodilator drug when given subcutaneously to children with acute exacerbations of bronchial asthma . The magnitude of clinical improvement was not significantly different from that obtained with epinephrine. Side effects were minimal with both drugs. Evaluation of the direct effect of a bronchodilator drug on heart rate may be difficult, since improvement in the dynamics of the airway may be accompanied by a slowing of the heart rate.

Tagged: asthma , bronchodilator , clinical improvement , terbutaline