The Best Way to Fight against Asthma: Ventolin

There was once a time when having asthma would pretty much signal the beginning of the end for a lot of people. This was because there were not many easily available options that could help such individuals. There are a number of inhalers that you can use these days in a bid to fight asthma. These days, you have a variety of treatment options that you can use in a bid to ensure that you can put asthma behind you.

Other than Ventolin, the following are some of the common inhaler options that you can consider when you have asthma:

  • Flovent
  • Proventil
  • AdvairDiskus

Ventolin is one of a number of relievers that are normally given to those who have asthma. They offer quick relief in the event that you have symptoms of asthma, such as shortness of breath, coughs and wheezing.

Ideally what it does, is to relax your muscles (the role of bronchodilators) on the outer side of the airway, and in the process it will help in opening up the airways. This therefore makes it easier for you to resume normal breathing patterns.

Uses of Ventolin

In as much as you can use this inhaler from time to time, it is important to know when it will come in handy. Of course you need to make sure that you have it with you all the time. You can never know when an emergency situation will arise, and with that in mind, you need to make sure that you keep one at hand.
symptoms of asthma
The following are some common uses of Ventolin that you should think about, which will make it easier for you to stay safe in the event that you have an asthma attack:

  • Prevention of short breath, wheezing as a result of breathing problems
  • Prevention of asthma as a result of exercise
  • Providing you quick relief in the event of an abrupt attack

When you are in complete control over some of these symptoms and attacks, you will be able to drastically reduce the amount of time that you lose when skipping work or school from time to time.

How to use Ventolin

Like is the case with most of the drugs and relief medication out there, it is easier for you to get proper response for your body only if you are aware of how to use the inhaler. Proper usage will make it easier for you to get relief, than if you have the inhaler but you do not know how to use it.

The following are some simple guidelines that you need to follow when using Ventolin, and hopefully you will be in a good position to easily keep your asthma attacks at bay:

  • Always read the information leaflet that is given to you at the pharmacy before you start using the inhaler
  • Always shake the inhaler properly before you use it at any given time
  • If you have not used the canister for more than two weeks, if the inhaler has been dropped, or if you are using it for the first time, do test sprays in the air as recommended in the instruction manual

Other than these, you will need to make sure that you follow the instructions that are set by your doctor from time to time. In the event that you are actively into sports, you should take precautions when using this, and use only 2 puffs 15-30 minutes before you begin your exercise routine.

See also  Resources of Airway Remodeling in Severe Asthma

Precautionary measures

The first thing that you should understand when using any inhaler, leave alone Ventolin, is the fact that they all have side effects. However, since this inhaler has been prescribed by your doctor, they have probably taken time to study your medical history, and they understand that the benefits you stand to gain from the use of this inhaler by far outweigh any negative effects thereof.

That being said, the following are some precautionary measures that you need to take when using this inhaler:

  • Do not drive or operate heavy machinery, the inhaler might make you dizzy
  • If you are pregnant, use it only on doctor’s direction
  • It is common sense to limit or stop the use of alcohol altogether