Comapison: Ventolin vs ProAir, Albuterol, Generic Alternatives and Many Other Points of the Asthma Drug

Comapison Ventolin vs ProAir, Albuterol, Generic Alternatives and Many Other Points of the Asthma Drug

Distinguishing Ventolin and ProAir

Ventolin and ProAir are two inhalers commonly prescribed to manage asthma symptoms. While they serve similar purposes, it’s essential for patients to understand the differences between them to make informed choices about their asthma treatment. Here, we’ll explore these distinctions to help you navigate your options effectively.

  1. Active Ingredient Comparison

    • Ventolin: The active ingredient in Ventolin is albuterol sulfate. This medication is a bronchodilator, which means it relaxes and widens the airways in the lungs, making it easier to breathe.
    • ProAir: ProAir, on the other hand, also contains albuterol sulfate as its active ingredient. This similarity in active ingredients is why these inhalers are often considered interchangeable.
  2. Brand vs Generic

    • Ventolin: Ventolin is available as both a brand-name and generic medication. The brand-name Ventolin is produced by GlaxoSmithKline, while the generic version is typically labeled as albuterol sulfate inhalation aerosol. The generic version offers a cost-effective alternative.
    • ProAir: ProAir is primarily available as a brand-name inhaler, although there are generic alternatives with the same active ingredient, albuterol sulfate.
  3. Propellant Differences

    • Ventolin: Ventolin inhalers use a hydrofluoroalkane (HFA) propellant. HFAs are considered more environmentally friendly than older chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) propellants.
    • ProAir: ProAir inhalers also use an HFA propellant, making them environmentally friendly as well.
  4. Packaging and Design

    • Ventolin: These inhalers come in distinctive blue packaging. They are designed with a built-in dose counter, allowing users to track the remaining doses accurately.
    • ProAir: ProAir inhalers are typically red in color and may or may not have a dose counter, depending on the specific product version.
  5. Cost Considerations

    • The cost of both Ventolin and ProAir can vary depending on whether you opt for the brand-name or generic version. Generic albuterol sulfate inhalers tend to be more cost-effective options.
  6. Efficacy and Personal Preference

    • Efficacy in relieving asthma symptoms is generally similar between Ventolin and ProAir due to their shared active ingredient, albuterol sulfate.
    • Personal preference may play a role in choosing between the two, based on factors such as design, ease of use, and familiarity.

Ventolin vs Albuterol: Clarifying the Relationship

When it comes to managing asthma, it’s common to encounter terms like “Ventolin” and “albuterol.” Patients often wonder if these terms are synonymous or if there are important distinctions between them. Let’s clarify the relationship between Ventolin and albuterol and address their implications for asthma treatment.

Albuterol as the Common Denominator

  • Albuterol: Albuterol is the key component shared by both Ventolin and ProAir. It belongs to a class of medications known as bronchodilators, which work by relaxing the muscles in the airways, making it easier to breathe.
  • Ventolin: Ventolin is a brand name for an inhaler that contains albuterol sulfate as its active ingredient. It is produced by GlaxoSmithKline.
  • ProAir: ProAir is another brand name for an albuterol inhaler. While it also contains albuterol sulfate, it may have subtle differences in formulation and delivery mechanisms compared to Ventolin.

Interchangeability of Ventolin and Albuterol

  • Are Ventolin and Albuterol the Same Thing?: Yes and no. Ventolin is a specific brand of inhaler that contains albuterol. Albuterol, in a broader sense, refers to the generic name of the medication. This means that Ventolin is a type of albuterol inhaler, but there are other albuterol inhalers available.
  • Implications for Asthma Treatment: Since both Ventolin and ProAir contain albuterol sulfate, they are often considered interchangeable for relieving acute asthma symptoms. Patients may be prescribed either of these inhalers based on their preferences or insurance coverage.

Cost Considerations and Availability

  • Brand vs Generic: Ventolin, as a brand-name inhaler, may be more expensive than generic albuterol inhalers. Generic versions are widely available and typically offer a cost-effective alternative.
  • Insurance Coverage: The availability of Ventolin or generic albuterol inhalers through insurance plans can vary. It’s essential to check with your healthcare provider and insurance company to determine coverage options.

Healthcare Provider’s Guidance

  • Consult Your Healthcare Provider: While Ventolin and generic albuterol inhalers can be interchangeable, your healthcare provider is the best resource to guide your asthma treatment. They can recommend the most suitable inhaler based on your specific needs and medical history.

Generic Alternatives for Ventolin

Asthma management often involves the use of inhalers, and Ventolin is a well-known brand in this category. However, there are also generic alternatives available for Ventolin. In this section, we will discuss the availability and benefits of these generic versions, exploring their cost-effectiveness and accessibility.

What Are Generic Inhalers?

  • Definition: Generic inhalers are copies of brand-name inhalers like Ventolin. They contain the same active ingredient, which is albuterol sulfate in the case of Ventolin, and have similar safety and efficacy profiles.
  • FDA Approval: Generic inhalers must undergo rigorous testing and gain approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure their quality and equivalence to the brand-name counterparts.


  • Affordability: One of the primary advantages of generic inhalers is their affordability. They are often priced significantly lower than brand-name inhalers, making them an attractive option for many patients.
  • Insurance Coverage: Generic inhalers are more likely to be covered by insurance plans, reducing out-of-pocket expenses for patients. It’s essential to check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage.


  • Widespread Availability: Generic albuterol inhalers are widely available at most pharmacies and healthcare facilities, ensuring accessibility for patients across the United States.
  • Pharmacy Options: Patients can typically find generic albuterol inhalers at both brick-and-mortar and online pharmacies, offering convenience and flexibility in purchasing.

Efficacy and Safety

  • Equivalent Efficacy: Generic albuterol inhalers have been shown to be therapeutically equivalent to brand-name Ventolin inhalers. This means they provide the same level of relief for asthma symptoms.
  • Safety Standards: Generic inhalers adhere to the same safety standards as brand-name inhalers. They are subject to strict quality control measures to ensure patient safety.

Prescription and Healthcare Provider Guidance

  • Prescription Requirement: Just like brand-name Ventolin, generic albuterol inhalers require a prescription from a healthcare provider.
  • Consult Your Healthcare Provider: It’s crucial to consult your healthcare provider when considering a switch to a generic inhaler. They can help determine if a generic alternative is suitable for your specific asthma management needs.

Understanding Ventolin Dosages: Ventolin 90 mcg

In the management of asthma, having a clear understanding of the dosages of inhalers is crucial. Ventolin is a widely prescribed inhaler, and one of its variants is the Ventolin 90 mcg inhaler. In this section, we will examine the recommended dosage for Ventolin inhalers, with a focus on the Ventolin 90 mcg variant and its effectiveness in treating asthma.

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Ventolin Dosages

  • Ventolin 90 mcg: The Ventolin 90 mcg inhaler is one of the available dosages of Ventolin. It contains 90 micrograms of albuterol sulfate, the active ingredient in this medicine, per inhalation.
  • Other Dosages: Ventolin is available in various dosages, including 18 mcg, 90 mcg, and 200 mcg. The choice of dosage depends on the severity of a patient’s asthma and their healthcare provider’s recommendations.

Recommended Usage

  • As Needed: Ventolin inhalers, including the Ventolin 90 mcg variant, are considered rescue inhalers. They are used on an as-needed basis to provide quick relief from asthma symptoms, such as shortness of breath and wheezing.
  • Quick Onset: It is known for its rapid onset of action, with most patients experiencing relief within minutes of inhalation.

Effectiveness of Ventolin 90 mcg

  • Asthma Relief: The 90 mcg inhaler is effective in providing relief from acute asthma symptoms and bronchospasms.
  • Short-Term Relief: While it offers short-term relief, it is not intended for long-term asthma control. Patients with persistent asthma may require other medications as part of their asthma management plan.

Dosage Administration

  • Follow Healthcare Provider’s Instructions: Patients should always follow their healthcare provider’s instructions regarding the use of Ventolin, including the Ventolin 90 mcg inhaler.
  • Typical Dosage: A common recommendation for adults and children over 4 years old is to inhale 1 to 2 inhalations of 90 mcg as needed every 4 to 6 hours.

Special Considerations

  • Pediatric Dosage: For children aged 2 to 4 years, the usual dosage is 1 inhalation of Ventolin 90 mcg as needed every 4 to 6 hours.
  • Consultation with Healthcare Provider: It’s crucial for patients, especially those with severe asthma, to consult their healthcare provider for personalized dosage instructions.

Overuse Precautions

  • Avoid Overuse: While this option provides rapid relief, overusing it can lead to reduced effectiveness and potential side effects, such as increased heart rate. Patients should adhere to recommended dosages.

Storage and Handling

  • Proper Storage: Ventolin inhalers, including the Ventolin 90 mcg variant, should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and direct sunlight.
  • Regular Checkup: Patients should have regular checkups with their healthcare provider to assess their asthma control and adjust the dosage or treatment plan if necessary.

Ventolin Inhaler Salbutamol: Unveiling the Active Ingredient

The active ingredient in Ventolin inhalers, salbutamol, plays a crucial role in providing relief for asthma symptoms. In this section, we will explore the significance of salbutamol, its mechanism of action, and its role in asthma management.

Salbutamol: The Active Ingredient

  • What is Salbutamol: Salbutamol is a bronchodilator medication that belongs to a class of drugs called beta-agonists. It is the active ingredient in Ventolin inhalers.
  • Bronchodilation: Salbutamol works by relaxing the muscles in the airways, which leads to bronchodilation. This means it widens the air passages in the lungs, making it easier to breathe.

Rapid Relief for Asthma Symptoms

  • Quick Onset: Salbutamol is known for its rapid onset of action. When inhaled, it starts working within minutes, providing quick relief from acute asthma symptoms.
  • Short-Term Relief: While salbutamol is highly effective for short-term relief, it is not a long-term asthma control medication. Patients with persistent asthma typically require a controller medication in addition to their rescue inhaler.

Asthma Symptom Relief

  • Common Symptoms: Salbutamol helps alleviate common asthma symptoms, including wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness.
  • Exercise-Induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB): Salbutamol is also used to prevent and treat exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, a condition where physical activity triggers asthma symptoms.

Dosage and Administration

  • Prescription-Only: Salbutamol is available by prescription, and patients should use it exactly as directed by their healthcare provider.
  • Inhalation: It is typically administered via inhalation using a metered-dose inhaler (MDI) or a nebulizer. The choice of device depends on the patient’s age and preference.

Potential Side Effects

  • Common Side Effects: While salbutamol is generally well-tolerated, it can cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects may include increased heart rate, tremors, and mild headaches.
  • Seek Medical Attention: Patients should seek immediate medical attention if they experience severe side effects such as chest pain, irregular heartbeats, or worsening breathing problems.

Overuse Precautions

  • Avoid Overuse: Overusing salbutamol can lead to reduced effectiveness and potentially harmful side effects. Patients should adhere to the recommended dosage and not exceed it.

Importance of Spacer Devices

  • Use of Spacers: Spacer devices, which are often used with inhalers, can help ensure that the medication is properly delivered to the lungs. They are especially useful for children and those who may have difficulty coordinating inhaler use.

Consultation with Healthcare Provider

  • Individualized Treatment: The use of salbutamol should be part of an individualized asthma management plan developed in consultation with a healthcare provider. It is essential to adjust treatment based on the patient’s specific needs and asthma severity.

Storage and Handling

  • Proper Storage: Salbutamol inhalers should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and direct sunlight. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s storage instructions.

Monitoring Asthma Control

  • Regular Checkups: Patients using salbutamol should have regular checkups with their healthcare provider to assess their asthma control. Adjustments to the treatment plan may be necessary based on the patient’s condition.

Ventolin Patient Assistance Programs

Patient assistance programs for Ventolin are vital resources designed to assist individuals who face financial constraints in accessing necessary asthma medication. In this section, we will delve into the various patient assistance programs available for Ventolin inhalers, ensuring that those in need can find the support they require.

Understanding Patient Assistance Programs

  • What are Patient Assistance Programs: Patient assistance programs (PAPs) are initiatives offered by pharmaceutical companies, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies to provide financial assistance or free medications to eligible individuals who cannot afford their prescription medications.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Income-Based Eligibility: Most patient assistance programs, including those for Ventolin, have income-based eligibility criteria. This means that individuals with limited income may qualify for assistance.
  • Uninsured or Underinsured: Many PAPs specifically target individuals who are uninsured or underinsured, making it easier for them to access needed medications.

Benefits of Ventolin Patient Assistance Programs

  • Access to Vital Medication: Ventolin is a crucial medication for asthma management. PAPs ensure that individuals facing financial difficulties can still obtain their prescribed the inhalers.
  • Reduced Financial Burden: Participants in these programs often receive Ventolin at a significantly reduced cost or even for free, reducing the financial burden associated with asthma treatment.
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Application Process

  • Application Forms: Interested individuals typically need to complete application forms provided by the pharmaceutical company or organization offering the PAP.
  • Documentation: Applicants are usually required to provide documentation of their financial situation, which may include income statements and proof of insurance status.
  • Healthcare Provider Involvement: In some cases, a healthcare provider’s input or prescription may be necessary as part of the application process.

Pharmaceutical Company Programs

  • Ventolin Manufacturer Programs: Pharmaceutical companies that manufacture Ventolin often offer their own patient assistance programs. These programs may have specific eligibility criteria and application processes.

Nonprofit Organizations

  • Third-Party Assistance: Several nonprofit organizations also run PAPs that cover a range of medications, including the described one. These organizations aim to bridge the gap for individuals with limited financial resources.

7. Government Assistance

  • Medicaid: Depending on the state, Medicaid may cover Ventolin for eligible low-income individuals. Applicants can check their state’s Medicaid program for details.

Assistance for Medicare Recipients

  • Medicare Part D: Some Medicare Part D plans include coverage for Ventolin. Eligible individuals can explore these plans during the annual enrollment period.

Local Resources

  • Local Health Departments: Local health departments may provide information on regional resources and assistance programs for Ventolin.

Advocacy Groups and Charities

  • Asthma Advocacy Groups: Organizations dedicated to asthma support and awareness may have information on PAPs and financial assistance resources.

The Ventolin Chamber: An Essential Component

The Ventolin chamber, often referred to as a spacer or inhaler chamber, plays a pivotal role in ensuring effective delivery of medication to individuals with asthma. This section will delve into the significance of the Ventolin chamber, its components, and how it contributes to the proper use of inhalers.

Understanding the Ventolin Chamber

  • What Is a Ventolin Chamber: A chamber is a device designed to be used with metered-dose inhalers (MDIs), including Ventolin inhalers. It acts as an intermediary between the inhaler and the patient, helping improve medication delivery.

Components of the Ventolin Chamber

  • Mouthpiece: The chamber features a mouthpiece through which the patient inhales the medication. It ensures that the medication is effectively directed into the airways.
  • Inhaler Connection: The chamber has an attachment point for the inhaler, securely holding it in place during use.
  • Valves and Chambers: Some chambers may have one-way valves or multiple chambers to optimize the delivery of medication and minimize the need for precise timing during inhalation.

Significance of Using the Ventolin Chamber

  • Improved Medication Delivery: The primary purpose of the Ventolin chamber is to enhance the delivery of medication to the lungs. It helps convert the medication into a fine mist, making it easier to inhale and ensuring it reaches the intended target.
  • Reduced Coordination Requirement: Using a chamber reduces the need for precise coordination between pressing the inhaler and inhaling. This is especially beneficial for children, the elderly, or individuals with limited dexterity.

Proper Technique

  • Attach Inhaler: The inhaler is attached to the chamber securely.
  • Breathe Normally: Patients can breathe in and out of the chamber normally a few times to ensure it is primed.
  • Inhale Slowly: When ready, patients should inhale slowly and deeply through the mouthpiece. This triggers the release of medication from the inhaler into the chamber.
  • Hold Breath: After inhalation, holding the breath for a few seconds allows the medication to reach deep into the airways.

Cleaning and Maintenance

  • Regular Cleaning: It’s essential to clean the Ventolin chamber regularly as per the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent blockages and ensure proper functioning.

Pediatric Chambers

  • Pediatric-Friendly Designs: Some Ventolin chambers are specifically designed for children, featuring smaller sizes and child-friendly designs to encourage proper use.

The Role of the Ventolin Chamber in Effective Treatment

  • Minimizing Wastage: The Ventolin chamber helps reduce medication wastage as more of the medication is delivered to the airways and less is deposited in the mouth and throat.
  • Consistent Dosage: It ensures a consistent and accurate dosage with each use, enhancing the reliability of asthma management.

Studies and Surveys

  • Effectiveness: Studies have shown that using a Ventolin chamber with an MDI improves the effectiveness of medication delivery, especially in children and those with poor inhalation technique.

Ensuring Proper Inhaler Use

  • Healthcare Provider Guidance: Healthcare providers often recommend the use of a chamber, particularly for individuals who have difficulty using inhalers effectively.
  • Education: Patients should be educated on the importance of the chamber and instructed on its correct usage.

Decoding Ventolin Inhaler Colors

Ventolin inhalers come in various colors, and while it may seem like a purely aesthetic choice, these colors serve important purposes related to safety and usability. In this section, we will decode the significance of the different colors of Ventolin inhalers, emphasizing their importance for patients.

Color Variations

  • Blue: Blue is one of the most common colors for Ventolin inhalers. It is associated with the standard albuterol sulfate inhaler, providing quick relief for asthma symptoms.
  • Red: Some Ventolin inhalers may be red. These are often indicative of branded versions and may have slight variations in design.
  • Green: Green inhalers may indicate alternative formulations or generic versions of Ventolin. These can be cost-effective options for patients.

Identification and Safety

  • Patient Identification: The distinct colors help patients easily identify their inhaler amidst various medications, reducing the risk of accidental use of the wrong inhaler.
  • Safety: For individuals with asthma, quick and easy identification of their Ventolin inhaler can be crucial during emergency situations, ensuring they receive the appropriate treatment promptly.

Color and Inhaler Design

  • Branding: Different manufacturers may use distinct colors to brand their Ventolin inhalers. While the medication remains the same, patients may have preferences for a specific brand.
  • Device Differences: In addition to the color of the inhaler itself, differences in the inhaler’s design, such as the shape of the mouthpiece or the mechanism for dispensing medication, can vary among different brands and versions.

Availability of Generic Ventolin Inhalers

  • Generic Versions: Generic Ventolin inhalers often come in a range of colors, which can vary from the traditional blue. Patients opting for generics should be aware of these variations.
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Importance of Understanding Inhaler Design

  • Proper Usage: Understanding the design of your Ventolin inhaler is essential for proper usage. Patients should read the instructions provided with their specific inhaler to ensure they are using it correctly.
  • Cleaning and Maintenance: Different inhalers may have unique cleaning and maintenance requirements. Knowing your inhaler’s design ensures it remains in good working condition.

Patient Preferences

  • Personal Preferences: Some patients may have personal preferences for a particular color or design, and healthcare providers may take these preferences into consideration when prescribing medication.
  • Ease of Use: Patients should choose an inhaler that they find easy to use, as this can improve adherence to their asthma management plan.

Frequency of Ventolin Use: Dos and Don’ts

Effectively managing asthma with Ventolin inhalers requires understanding the appropriate frequency of use. It’s essential for patients to strike a balance between relieving symptoms and avoiding overuse. In this section, we provide guidance on how often Ventolin should be used based on a patient’s condition, emphasizing the importance of adhering to medical advice.

The Role of Ventolin in Asthma Management

  • Quick Relief: Ventolin, with its active ingredient salbutamol, is a bronchodilator that provides quick relief from acute asthma symptoms, such as wheezing and shortness of breath.
  • Rescue Inhaler: It is often referred to as a “rescue inhaler” because it is used to alleviate sudden asthma attacks or worsening symptoms.

Individualized Treatment Plans

  • Consulting Healthcare Providers: Patients should work closely with their healthcare providers to create an individualized asthma management plan, including guidance on Ventolin usage.
  • Asthma Severity: The frequency of its use can vary based on the severity of a patient’s asthma. Healthcare providers assess this severity and recommend appropriate treatment.

Dosage Recommendations

  • As Needed: For many patients, Ventolin is used on an as-needed basis. This means it is taken when symptoms occur or before activities that may trigger symptoms, such as exercise.
  • Standard Dosage: The standard dosage for Ventolin inhalers is typically 1 to 2 inhalations every 4 to 6 hours as needed. However, individual recommendations may vary.

Avoid Overuse

  • Overuse Risks: Using Ventolin too frequently can lead to a decreased response over time and potentially more severe asthma symptoms. It is crucial to avoid overuse.
  • Rescue vs. Controller Inhalers: Patients should differentiate between rescue inhalers like Ventolin and controller medications, which are taken regularly to prevent symptoms. Overusing a rescue inhaler may indicate the need for better control.

Monitoring Symptoms

  • Self-Monitoring: Patients should monitor their symptoms and use Ventolin when necessary. If symptoms persist or worsen, it may indicate the need for a reevaluation of their asthma management plan.
  • Peak Flow Measurements: Some patients use peak flow meters to monitor lung function. Changes in peak flow readings can indicate the need for Ventolin.

Pediatric Considerations

  • Pediatric Guidelines: Parents of children with asthma should follow pediatric guidelines for Ventolin usage. Children may require different dosages or more frequent monitoring.
  • Educating Children: It’s important to educate children on the appropriate use of Ventolin and to ensure they understand when to ask for help.

Geriatric Considerations

  • Geriatric Population: Older adults may have different asthma needs. They should work with healthcare providers to determine the most suitable Ventolin usage for their age and health status.

Emergency Situations

  • Severe Asthma Attacks: In severe asthma attacks, healthcare providers may recommend using Ventolin every 20 minutes for a few rounds. This is a critical situation that requires immediate medical attention.
  • Calling for Help: Patients or caregivers should call 911 or seek emergency medical assistance during severe asthma attacks.

Survey Data

  • Survey Findings: Surveys among asthma patients show that those who follow their prescribed Ventolin usage guidelines have better symptom control and improved quality of life.
  • Adherence Challenges: Some patients struggle with adherence due to fear of side effects or not fully understanding their treatment plan. Education is crucial.

Navigating the Online Purchase of Ventolin

Purchasing Ventolin online can offer convenience and accessibility for individuals managing asthma. In this section, we will guide you through the steps involved in buying Ventolin inhalers online, emphasizing the importance of adhering to prescription requirements and ensuring a safe and reliable purchase experience on

Understanding the Importance of Prescription

  • Ventolin is a prescription medication, and it’s crucial to have a valid prescription from a healthcare provider before attempting to purchase it online.
  • An online pharmacy should never provide Ventolin without a prescription. Be cautious of websites offering Ventolin without this requirement, as they may be operating illegally.

Choosing a Reputable Online Pharmacy

  • Start by selecting a reputable online pharmacy like Look for pharmacies that require a prescription and have a verified physical address and contact information.
  • Check for online pharmacy reviews and ratings to ensure the pharmacy’s legitimacy and customer satisfaction.

Browsing the Website

  • Visit and navigate to the Ventolin product page. You should find detailed information about the medication, including its dosage, price, and availability.
  • Ensure the website provides clear instructions on how to order and information about shipping and payment options.

Uploading or Submitting Your Prescription

  • If the website allows you to upload your prescription, ensure that it is a valid prescription provided by your healthcare provider. Follow the instructions for uploading or submitting it.
  • Some online pharmacies may also offer an option to have your prescription verified directly with your healthcare provider.

Adding Ventolin to Your Cart

  • Once your prescription is verified or uploaded, you can add the Ventolin inhaler to your online shopping cart. Ensure that you select the correct dosage and quantity as per your prescription.

Providing Shipping Information

  • Provide accurate shipping information, including your address and contact details. Double-check to avoid any errors that might lead to delivery issues.

Selecting Shipping and Payment Options

  • Choose your preferred shipping method and payment option. Reputable online pharmacies often offer various shipping methods to suit your needs.
  • Payment methods should be secure and protect your financial information. Look for secure payment icons and check for SSL encryption on the website.

Reviewing Your Order

  • Before confirming your order, carefully review all the details, including the dosage, quantity, shipping address, and total cost. Ensure that it matches your prescription.

Placing Your Order

  • Once you are satisfied with your order details, proceed to place your order. Reputable online pharmacies will provide you with an order confirmation and tracking information.